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With everything that is going on regarding the coronavirus, it’s hard to also think about hurricane preparations. However, being in Florida, it is always good to be prepared…
Shopping for new lighting in your home can be tricky. Whether you’re looking for some inspiration or ready to install. It’s essential to know the difference in brightness…
Sick of your hallway light never turning on? Miss the days when your doorbell actually worked? Fear not, we have a few DIY hacks you can use to…
It’s important to know the basics of electrical safety if you’re a renter or homeowner. There are many things to remember to ensure you and your family’s personal…
What is a power surge and what damage can it do to your home? When there is a boost in electrical current in the power lines, additional charges are…
Electrical safety isn’t always at the forefront of people’s minds, especially in the workplace, but it should be. According to The National Fire Protection Association, 739 people died…
Building your new home is a great way to get exactly what you’re looking for in a house. We usually picture how open our kitchen will look, how…
Let’s be honest, it’s highly likely that the electrical outlets in your home are the same ones that came with the house when you purchased it. This is…
Installing a new thermostat in your home sounds like no big deal. If they sell them on shelves at Lowe’s and Home Depot, they have to be easy…
We all love a good do it yourself (DIY) project. DIYs are great for saving some money here and there and letting your creative juices flow. However, nine…