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What is the best temperature for my home in summer?

As the summertime creeps closer, the fear of electricity bills begins to grow. In order to keep your home at a comfortable temperature while simultaneously not breaking the bank is an important skill to have every year. Gulf Coast Electric can help guide you in the right direction with some helpful electrical service tips. Keep reading to learn more about our recommendations to help save electricity, while still keeping cool, this summer!

Close Your Blinds 

Natural sunlight is always needed in a home, but during the peak hot hours of the day closing the blinds could help reduce the internal temperature of your home. Investing in blackout curtains not only helps with decreasing brightness in a room, but also blocking out heat to the room. Most homes lose from 10-15% of their thermal energy through their windows. Investing in blackout curtains can help keep your home cool and even potentially reduce your energy bill by up to 25%!

Best Thermostat Spots

Installing a thermostat near a window or in direct light could lead to inaccurate temperature readings. This could cause an unnecessary spike on an electric bill. The best spot for your thermostat is in a hallway or near the kitchen. If your thermostat is in an inconvenient spot, the average cost of moving it ranges from $130 – $450, but once it is in an accurate place, a proper reading can help you save more in energy bills!

Recommended Temperature 

When you are not home for long periods of time, make it a habit to turn the thermostat up to around 78 degrees. This is a comfortable temperature that will not leave you uncomfortable returning home after a long day in the heat. If this is not the most comfortable for your home, turn on a fan if necessary. Turning on a fan may sound simple, but always double check that it is running counter-clockwise in order to blow cooler air towards you, rather than pulling the air away from your living space.

Appliance Usage 

Saving chores for the morning or nighttime could help with the amount of heat inside. Using the dishwasher and the washer/dryer at night could reduce the amount of heat released into your home. During the hottest parts of the day, this could make your A/C work overtime to keep your home at a cool temperature. Using a grill outside instead of the stove/oven could minimize the amount of heat inside your home. Changing your air filter on your air conditioner every 4-6 weeks will also help with air quality and flow, reducing the amount of energy needed to condition the air in your home. 

Schedule an Electrical Audit

A great way to ensure protection from the heat this summer is to schedule an electrical audit for your home. Homes are prone to have so many small spaces such as around windows, door frames, crawl spaces, and recessed lights that let in heat and allow conditioned air to escape. Another thing to check is whether or not your home has proper insulation blocking the hot air from entering. At Gulf Coast Electric we offer an evaluation service where an our experts inspect your home for ways to save energy and money along with advice for the best lighting and electrical options.  Prepping your home for summer may seem like a daunting experience, but following these tips could help you stay comfortable and save money. Call Gulf Coast Electric today to book your electrical audit today!

Why Your Electricity Bill is Higher in the Summer

You may be wondering why your electric bill is suddenly higher than normal in the summer months. Florida summers are notorious for their heat and humidity, with a lot of humid weather and temperatures almost never dropping below 90 degrees. As it gets hotter and hotter, we all tend to want to stay inside with our electronics, appliances and the air conditioning.

In the summer, electric bills tend to be on the rise because of increased usage. Usually, there are more people using their ACs at full blast to fight the summer heat. School is out, as well, and the kids are home and living on their electronics. Due to this higher demand for energy, prices go up because the suppliers have to pay for that electricity. 

So how can we use our energy efficiently? 

Tips for Energy Efficiency at Home:

  1. Raise the thermostat. It’s possible to save money by raising the temperature in the house for a few hours every day. It’s recommended to raise the temperature higher while you are out of the house. While in the house, you should raise the temperature as high as you and the family are comfortable with. The closer it is to the outdoor temperature, the more money you will save.
  2. Seal the doors and windows. Closing the little cracks in the doors and windows will trap the cooler air inside and keep the family cooler for longer. One trick to check if windows and doors need to be sealed is to put a piece of paper underneath the door or window while it’s open. If you can pull the paper out after closing the window or door on it, that means that door or window needs to be sealed.
  3. Check and change your air filters consistently. It’s important to change them often to keep a clean and constant airflow.
  4. Unplug electronics when they aren’t in use. Standby power can use up a lot of energy and increase your bill more than it would’ve been otherwise. Using surge protectors can make it easier to turn off those standby power electronics.
  5. Use ceiling fans when you’re in that specific room. Ceiling fans can help keep the house cool when you raise the temperature. It’s more cost-effective to use a ceiling fan than keep your AC super low.
  6. Thermal drapes can help, too! Placing thermal drapes over the windows can help trap the cool air inside and keep warm air from coming in. 

By using less energy, you’re not only saving money but lowering the chances of potential blackouts. If you need a home electrical inspection, contact Gulf Coast Electric today!

When Does My Home Need an Electrical Inspection?

An electrical inspection can be imperative to your home’s safety. But what is an electrical inspection? It is an all-around check of your home’s electrical elements including wiring for outlets and the fuse box. Here are some reasons you should consider getting this electrical service: 

Buying a new home

If you are purchasing a new home, you want to make sure it is as safe as possible and won’t have any issues down the line. An inspection will help you avoid those potential dangers and make sure everything is up to code. Knowing the potential electrical hazards will give you comfort before your close or move in to your home.

Older homes 

This can also be beneficial if your new or current home is older in age. Older homes can have different lighting technologies that might not be up to current standards. After an inspection, you can be sure of what your house’s electrical and wire safety is like and what you need to do to improve it. 


One of the most important reasons to get an inspection is for the electrical safety of your home. Having a professional check the integrity of your electric components can ensure that there are no potential hazards. Electrical hazards can include mishaps in wiring or improper installation of other components. If these elements are done wrong, it brings the potential for electrical fires. 

Safety inspections analyze whether or not your home is up to code. While national and local codes can be hard to understand, your electrician should be up to date on the standards needed for your home. 

An electrical inspection being completed will give you and your family peace of mind that you are living in the safest home possible. 

Electrical bill cost

Monthly electric bills can be stressful, but an inspection can help ensure you are getting the lowest possible cost. An electrician can tell you if your electrical components are running inefficiently and therefore costing you more money. With that knowledge, you can update or get repairs to make them run more efficiently. 

If you feel any of these apply to you then you should contact an expert electrical technician. The Gulf Coast Electric staff is ready to help get the job done, so contact us today to schedule your electrical inspection. 

How Hurricanes Affect Your Home Electricity

Although the official Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June 1–November 30, hurricanes can strike at any time. It is important to understand the various ways in which hurricanes can affect the electricity in your home so you can practice electrical safety should you be forced into an unfortunate natural disaster situation.

Power Outages

Exposed power lines and utility poles are at risk of damage when hurricanes make landfall. With wind speeds ranging from 74mph to 154mph, hurricanes pose a major threat to these standing structures. The strong winds alone are capable of toppling utility poles, resulting in loss of power. Trees are also vulnerable to hurricane-force winds. Branches can snap, and shallow-rooted trees can be easily unrooted, knocking over power lines and poles if the wind has not already.

Compromised Electrical System

Hurricanes can generate 6-12 inches or more of rainfall, which can result in severe flooding. Electrical wiring that has been exposed to flood water or moisture can cause irreparable damage to internal components. Any wires that have contact with water would require replacement to ensure proper functionality. Hurricanes tend to dump ocean water along their path – salt water can cause corrosion damage to electrical wires. Worst-case scenarios would involve an entire electrical system replacement.

Increased Energy Prices

Not only can your home’s electricity take a direct hit from hurricanes but so can your electric bill. When the power goes out, there is an increased demand for energy with a lack of supply. Energy companies are unable to supply their customer’s with electricity, causing a major shift in energy prices. Typically, energy prices are raised when the demand is high and supply is low.

Prepare your home electricity for hurricanes

Hurricanes can be devastating and even unexpected. Luckily, there are a few steps homeowners can take to stay safe and alleviate major electrical issues.

  1. Maintain the trees on your property to avoid branches from snapping that could encounter utility poles.
  2. Treat all power lines as active and lethal. Should you encounter fallen power lines, keep a distance of at least 35 feet.
  3. Whether you choose to stay in your home or evacuate, shut off the breakers to avoid power surges.
  4. Contact a professional electrician to evaluate your electrical system. The experts at Gulf Coast Electric in Destin can perform a 50-point electrical inspection of your home to ensure it is prepared to handle major storms. If your home has experienced electrical damage due to tropical storms, contact us for electrical repair services today!

Outdoor Lighting Do’s and Don’ts

Outdoor lighting serves many purposes and provides an abundance of benefits. A well-lit home will enhance your home’s curb appeal by highlighting its architectural and landscape features at night. Lights around your property will also improve your security by alerting intruders that someone is home – even if you’re not. However, electrical safety is a huge factor when working with lighting outdoors. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to watch out for when placing your lights outside. 

Don’t Overload An Outlet

An overloaded outlet can lead to a power outage or, even worse, an electrical fire. Electrical circuits can only handle so much electricity. If one too many plugs are plugged into an outlet, it could cause a lot of damage. Make sure to map out your electrical circuits, and move around the lighting plugs as needed to a less loaded receptacle.

Do Use LED Lights

LED lights are an environmentally sustainable option to light up your yard because they use at least 75% less energy than the traditional, incandescent bulb. As an industry-standard, LED lights last 25 times longer and are safer than the alternative. LEDs also come in a variety of colors. 

Don’t Cover Your Wires in Mulch

Landscape lighting requires wires to illuminate your whole yard. While wires may be unsightly, it’s best not to cover them in mulch due to the risk of becoming exposed over time – and even getting caught up in your lawnmower. Always bury your wires underground to keep them safe from impairment.

Do Cover Your Outlets

Due to the outdoor elements, you must cover all of your outside outlets and their containers to prevent them from getting wet. If your outlet comes in contact with water, it could cause electrical issues or a dangerous electric shock. 

Don’t Use Indoor Lighting Outside

It’s crucial to never use indoor lighting outdoors. Indoor lighting is not as equipped to handle rain and other outdoor elements. Outdoor lights require a protective seal against moisture, which is something indoor lights do not have. As soon as they get wet, they’ll stop working.

Do Contact A Professional

Hiring a professional will guarantee a safe and well-done electrical installation. These experts can also help you plan a layout of your outdoor lighting and make sure everything is up to standard. Our fully licensed professionals at Gulf Coast Electric in Destin are here to help you light up your space with ease. Contact us today to learn more!

Salt water’s Effect on Electrical Components

We know that water and electronics don’t mix, but what about your boat or marina? Here’s how salt water can affect your electrical components in those particular areas – and what to look out for. 


If salt water comes into contact with an electronic device, it can severely corrode the protection surfaces of the circuits. Overtime, the electrical connections will also corrode, creating faulty or completely ruined equipment. Your electronics could even begin to read information incorrectly – or the salt water corrosion could create a short in the circuit. With a short, you could have an electrical fire and completely damage your equipment. If you start to see that your electrical equipment is eroding, call an electrician to inspect your materials for your own electrical safety. 


Salt water is also conducive to rusting. Unlike tap or unsalted water, salt water contains the chemical NaCl, or sodium chloride. It acts like a charged ion when it is separated by water – so it can pull your electricity from different surface materials that typically do not conduct electricity. This is all due to chemical bonding. When rust accumulates, the iron is willing to give up its electron to bond with something else. Rust can corrode and weaken your materials and can even hinder your electrical conduction. 

Shorts Due to Submersion

An obvious and scary result of salt water and electronics is a short caused by submersion. As water connects with multiple circuits, the sparks fly and create shorts that lead to burning and frying any electronic you switch on. Frying electrical circuits can lead to major fires and can electrocute anyone that comes in contact with the device. To prevent this while at sea, make sure to store electronics in places that you know will not come in contact with the water. Next, be sure to seal your equipment with materials that can handle and resist the harm of salt water. 

If you are in need of electrical services regarding salt water and your electronics, contact Gulf Coast Electric today. 

What Is A Marina Electrical Inspection?

Electrical inspections are a crucial part in ensuring the safety of yourself, others and your equipment – in both your home and in any building you reside. But did you know that you can get an electrical inspection for your marina? Here are a few things that are involved in a marina electrical inspection

Ground Fault Detection 

ESD, or electrical shock drowning, is caused by static electricity in the water coursing through a person’s body, causing a quick and painful death. Far too many fatalities occur in marinas due to improper inspection of electrical currents and wiring throughout the dock and poor maintenance of equipment. 

One way to eliminate and prevent electrical shock drowning from occurring is to have a ground fault detection system in place at your marina. This will ensure that the next fault within an electrical current is spotted before a tragic accident can happen, keeping you on your toes and everyone safer. 

Boat Testing

If you have a boat of your own stored at a marina, it’s important to get it tested annually to check for an electricity leak or any other problems, such as wiring and rusting of chords. Having a trusted electrician take a look at your boast is the best way to go about an inspection, but you can also use a clamp meter to check for electricity leaks on your own. 

Consider installing an equipment leakage circuit interrupter, or ECLI, to ensure your machinery is working properly. Once installed, test it monthly to keep up with inspection standards.

Also, be sure to avoid using household extension cords for your boat to power ashore. Use shore power cords to power your boat for both the safety of everyone when operating your boat. 


A basic rule for marinas is this: Never swim within 100 yards of the marina in order to protect oneself from electrical shock within the water. If someone mentions a tingling or shocking sensation while swimming, immediately get out of the water and alert the dock or marina owner – then visit a hospital to check for any lingering shock or harm. 

Having a proper inspection and ensuring the safety of others by frequently testing electrical equipment at your marina is the best way to keep everyone out of harm’s way. If you are in need of marina electrical services, call Gulf Coast Electric today to schedule an appointment with a trusted electrician. 

Living in Florida, Hurricanes are Around. How can I Prepare?

With everything that is going on regarding the coronavirus, it’s hard to also think about hurricane preparations. However, being in Florida, it is always good to be prepared and up to date on the necessary services needed to keep you and your loved ones safe. Here are a few things to consider for your home.

Having A Backup Generator

For some people, this item is deemed as a necessity. For others, this might be thought of as unnecessary. Having a backup generator can keep your home running and keep you comfortable during a long-term power outage. Owning a backup generator will also save you money on groceries. When the power goes out, usually, all the perishable items in your refrigerator will go wrong the same day. So beyond maintaining a sense of normalcy in your home, owning a backup generator will prevent the things in your fridge from going bad and potentially save you hundreds in grocery bills.  

Electrical Safety

During a severe storm, it’s essential to be mindful of all your electrical appliances. When you don’t use preventative measures, there is a risk of injury and potential home damage. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), you should:

  • Turn off utilities, and turn on your propane tank.
  • Stay out of floodwaters, and do not drive in affected areas.
  • If your home is flooded, keep your power off until a professional has inspected your property.

With any unwanted issues that could affect the safety of your family, it’s crucial to have a professional check any equipment that could need to be replaced.

Electrical Services

Getting your house serviced to make sure you are prepared to withstand a storm is very important in Florida. If you come across any broken, live wires, it’s important to call a professional to disconnect the power. Having a professional come into your home and install surge protection can save many valuable electronics in a house. When a home or an area near the home is struck by lightning, it’s likely there will be a power surge. Power surges can destroy electronics.

For any electrical services and safety concerns, give Gulf Coast Electric a call. It’s time to think about being prepared for hurricane season.

Can Lights vs. Traditional Lights

Shopping for new lighting in your home can be tricky. Whether you’re looking for some inspiration or ready to install. It’s essential to know the difference in brightness to understand what you need.

What are ‘Can Lights’?

“Can lights” are lights that are recessed into the ceiling. You typically find these lighting fixtures in your kitchen or your living room with multiple can lights to brighten the space. Can lights get their name because of their housing. When you see a can light, it looks a lot like a can. They are typically metal and cylinder shapes. These lights are great for lighting up places that need extra lighting in multiple parts of a room.

Benefits of Can Lights

Can lights are sleek since they are flush with the ceiling. This installation creates the illusion of a more spacious room. There isn’t anything dangling, which is useful for spaces such as closets, pantries and laundry rooms where you may not necessarily desire to have anything in these tight spaces.

What are ‘Traditional Lights?’

Traditional lighting fixtures are going to be lights that hang down from the ceiling, They can have crystals attached to the frame for things like a chandelier or an intricate design shaped out of metal to create a modern-looking fixture. These lights get their name from the inspiration of classical architectural styles.

Benefits of Traditional Lights

Traditional lights are suitable for creating an ambiance in a room. There is typically only one traditional light in a room, whereas a can light can have multiple in a single room. These lights can be used as a staple piece or as art that is front and center in a room. These lights are not necessarily ideal for small spaces but can be a great addition to a home looking for a “wow” factor. These lights are great over dining room tables, in front entryways or in the master bathroom.

No matter what lighting style you are drawing inspiration from, your friends at Gulf Coast Electric are here for all of your light fixture installation needs. Give us a call today, and see what we can do for the room of your dreams!

Four Common Electrical Safety Tips You Should Follow

It’s important to know the basics of electrical safety if you’re a renter or homeowner. There are many things to remember to ensure you and your family’s personal safety, but here are four electrical safety tips to always keep in the back of your mind.

Pay Close Attention to Buzzing or Sparking

If you notice any of your appliances making clicking or buzzing sounds, or you see sparks when plugging or unplugging something, it may be time to replace that item. If you try to continue using the item, for example, a hairdryer, you could be at risk of electrocution the longer you continue to use it.

Never Let Your Electrical Products Get Too Close to Water

Everyone should know how dangerous it is to have an electrical item next to a bathtub or a puddle of water. To avoid a shortage, or electrocution, never let any plugged-in items touch or get close to water.

Avoid Overloading a Circuit

One of the easiest ways to start a house fire is to overload a circuit in your home. This means you are plugging too many powerful appliances into the same power strip or outlet, causing your circuit to work too hard. One way to avoid this is to evenly spread your appliances throughout your home, and plug them into different outlets.

Childproof Your Electrical Outlets

It’s important to educate any child old enough to comprehend electrical safety to never stick anything besides a plug into an outlet. If you have babies or toddlers, a great way to keep your outlets childproofed is to purchase some plastic outlet covers to keep their fingers and toys out of them.

Contact us at Gulf Coast Electric if you ever feel like you need a professional to inspect a faulty circuit or for any other electrical services! Our experts are always here to answer your questions or help you keep your home safe.