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How Do You Put Out An Electrical Fire?

Keep Your Household Safe From Electrical Hazards

Here in Destin, electrical fires pose a significant threat to our homes. Whether due to faulty wiring, overloaded circuits or aging appliances, these incidents are more common than we’d like. Extinguishing an electrical fire can be as simple as using baking soda, but how do you know when that’s the best course of action?

At Gulf Coast Electric, our mission is to ensure the safety of our community. In the unfortunate event of an electrical fire, knowing how to respond is crucial. Read on for valuable insights on handling an electrical fire in your Destin home.

Can A Short Circuit Cause A Fire?

Yes, a short circuit can potentially cause a fire. When an electrical circuit experiences a short circuit, an unintended path with low resistance is created, allowing a large current to flow. This increased current can lead to overheating and the ignition of surrounding materials — such as insulation or combustible components in electrical devices.

The intense heat generated during a short circuit can trigger fires, posing significant safety risks. Proper electrical installations, regular maintenance and the use of appropriate safety measures help protect against short circuits and reduce the associated fire hazards.

Emergency Response: Disconnecting Power Safely

If an electrical fire breaks out in your home, find the source of power and immediately shut it off — if doing so does not put you in harm’s way. Otherwise, shut off the electricity in your home to prevent the fire from spreading. Once again, only try to shut off power if it’s safe to do so.

Finding the source of the fire and stopping it will protect you from electrocution and further damage.

Fire Size Matters: Small Fire Extinguishing Tips

If the fire is small, you can use baking soda to extinguish it. The sodium bicarbonate in the baking soda — which is a chemical also found in Class C fire extinguishers — will put out the fire. You can also put a fire blanket or a heavy piece of clothing over the flames to deprive it of oxygen. Smothering the flames is one of the best ways to put out an electrical fire.

In the heat of the moment, you may wonder if you can use water on an electrical fire. In these situations, never reach for water! This could electrocute and shock you, as well as make the fire spread more quickly. If you can, use a fire extinguisher that is labeled Class C, which is specific to electrical fires.

Safety First: Evacuation Procedures

If you’re still unable to extinguish the fire, get out of the house and call 911. Help all residents and pets exit the home as you leave if you’re able to safely reach them. Make sure you have two or more pathways to ensure a safe exit and remain a distance away from the fire in case of an explosion.

Once outside, close the door behind you to contain the fire and prevent further spread and damage beyond the house. Do not attempt to go back into the house until the fire department has stated it’s safe to do so.

Prioritize Safety With Gulf Coast Electric

Safeguarding your home from electrical fires requires proactive measures and awareness. By following the safety tips outlined above and being cautious in emergency situations, you can minimize risks.

For comprehensive electrical services and peace of mind, consider reaching out to Gulf Coast Electric. Our experts can provide inspections and maintenance for your electrical system. Don’t compromise on safety — make the call today to prioritize the well-being of your home and family.

How To Check For Bad Wiring In Your Home

Ensuring Home Safety With Gulf Coast Electric

Faulty wiring is a serious safety concern and a leading cause of fires in the United States. Detecting and addressing signs of faulty wiring in your home is crucial for preventing potential disasters.

Gulf Coast Electric is here to guide you in understanding the signs of a problem and ensuring electrical safety in your residence. The next time you hear an electrical crackling sound in the wall or suspect faulty wires in your Destin home, call on our team!

The Serious Consequences Of Faulty Wiring

When electrical wires are damaged, frayed or cracked, they jeopardize the safe conduction of electricity. This not only poses a risk of fire but can also lead to electrocution or short circuits.

Ignoring faulty wiring is a hazardous gamble that could result in severe consequences. While DIY projects can be satisfying, attempting to fix wiring issues yourself can lead to electrocution or a house fire. The varying degrees of electrical shock — from minor discomfort to potentially fatal incidents — make it imperative to call in the experts.

Keep yourself and your home safe by trusting electrical work to the professionals on our team. Gulf Coast Electric’s trained professionals are equipped to handle all your electrical problems safely.

Understand The Risk Of Short Circuits

Improperly installed or inadequate wiring can cause short circuits. This may cause blackouts, serious damage to the electrical system and even fires. This emphasizes the critical importance of having properly installed and maintained wiring to prevent electrical mishaps.

Recognizing Faulty Wiring: Signs Of Electrical Issues In Your Home

Faulty wiring often exhibits clear and unmistakable signs. Keep an eye out for flickering lights and the frequent blowing of breakers or fuses. These aren’t the only warning signs though — stay vigilant and watch out for the following:

  • Dimming lights
  • Hot switches
  • Crackling sound in walls

Additionally, switch plates and outlet covers getting even slightly blackened or emitting a burning smell are red flags. If any of these signs are happening in your space, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance right away.

While these may seem minor, they are indicative of underlying wiring problems that require attention. Gulf Coast Electric can help address these issues promptly to prevent bigger problems.

Ensuring Electrical Safety: Proactive Steps

To ensure the safety of your home’s electrical system, enlist the services of a licensed electrician. A professional inspection can identify and rectify potential issues before they become major problems, saving you both time and money.

Our licensed electricians can also assess whether your home complies with current building codes and safety standards. Older homes may need wiring upgrades to meet the latest safety requirements, underscoring the importance of periodic inspections.

Prioritize Safety With Gulf Coast Electric

While electricity is a modern marvel, safety should never be compromised. DIY projects are well-suited for certain tasks, but electrical wiring demands the expertise of skilled and licensed professionals.

Contact Gulf Coast Electric today to ensure your home’s wiring meets the highest safety standards. When in doubt, it’s always better to be safe and consult with professionals. Don’t take chances with faulty wires — trust the experts to keep your home safe.

What Causes Electrical Outlets To Spark?

Understand Why Your Outlet Is Sparking

Electricity keeps our homes safe and comfortable, but it isn’t without its dangers. You’ve likely seen occasional plug sparks when something gets plugged into an outlet. A sparking outlet isn’t always a sign of serious problems, but with home electrical fires accounting for nearly 500 deaths each year, it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Gulf Coast Electric places safety first when it comes to our emergency electrical repair services. We want our customers to remember that no spark is worth overlooking, no matter how small. Check out these three reasons your electrical outlets may be sparking so you can make sure your home and family are safe.

1. Short Circuits Can Lead To Sparks

A short circuit is an abnormal circuit that a current flows through with little resistance. It results from the contact of components, or nodes, where the resistance is normally much greater. Some potential causes of short circuits are damaged wiring and faulty electrical parts. In addition to sparks, these might produce a burning smell, cause flickering lights or trip your circuit breaker.

Short circuits are dangerous because a circuit with low resistance can easily overheat and melt the insulation covering the wires. This can damage your appliances, but that’s far from the worst possibility.

When an electrical connection is made with the outlet, exposed wires can cause a spark which might result in a fire. Being so hazardous, a short circuit needs to be handled by a professional electric company like Gulf Coast Electric to ensure it’s properly taken care of.

2. Water Creates Electrical Problems

Not a lot of good can come from mixing water and electricity. If your outlet comes in contact with water, you may encounter a number of electrical problems — including sparks. Even something as small as a spill or water leak can trigger it.

To prevent your outlet from sparking if it comes in contact with water, you can have a ground fault circuit interrupter installed. This device monitors circuits and will detect any imbalance caused by an unintended current path.

A ground fault circuit interrupter will cut the power to an electrical outlet if water is detected, which can help prevent a disaster. These interrupters can make moisture-heavy areas much safer from electric sparks and the problems they cause.

3. Power Can Cause Outlets To Spark

Sometimes you don’t have to worry about sparks. A home’s electricity works by running through all available circuits and then back out to the main electrical grid, all without any interruptions. When we plug something in or turn something on, the electricity rapidly diverts to the outlet in use and causes a quick spark.

This kind of spark is comparable to a spark from static electricity and shouldn’t be worried about. If you’re concerned that the spark is caused by a bigger issue, call Gulf Coast Electric so our team can take care of it for you.

Know Your Sparks

With how many ways electrical sparks can appear around your home, how can you tell the safe ones from the dangerous? The wisest approach is to treat every spark with caution and turn to the professionals when necessary.

Even so, with a good amount of knowledge, you can be more prepared to identify these diverse sparks.

Small Sparks

The least dangerous sparks coming from wall outlets are usually blue-colored, small and very quick. You might see these when plugging something in.

Though individual sparks of this kind aren’t always concerning, if repetitive, they could suggest a larger, more dangerous problem. Call Gulf Coast Electric to assess the problem and ensure your safety.

Hazardous Sparks

An orange spark when you’re plugging something in can be life-threatening. In fact, yellow, orange and red sparks are all more dangerous and are suggestive of bigger issues. Water damage, dying circuits and broken outlets are just some of the possible causes.

These kinds of sparks can quickly cause electrical fires, so they should be treated with appropriate caution. Tampering with electrical systems yourself can be fatal, so once again, bring in the professionals to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Protect Yourself From Electrical Sparks

Because they can appear for various reasons, giving sudden outlet sparks proper attention is how you can best ensure your safety. It’s imperative that homeowners take proper steps to protect themselves and their homes from electrical hazards.

An important step to take is contacting a professional when you notice a problem. However, you can also use the following proactive strategies to maximize safety and reduce the risk of problems with your plugs:

• Avoid overloading your outlets and try to distribute your devices, as overloading can cause overheating and eventually sparks.

• Routinely check your outlets, wires and cords for signs of wear and tear.

• Turn off electronic appliances when not in use, which will also help to conserve energy.

• Try to keep flammable materials away from outlets — this can include curtains, furniture, paper and any flammable liquid.

• If you have children at home, tamper-resistant (TR) outlets can prevent them from inserting things they aren’t supposed to into the outlets.

The most effective way to safeguard your home if you’re experiencing electrical sparks is to reach out to Gulf Coast Electric. Our expert electricians will help ensure your home is protected from electrical hazards.

Plug Into Superior Service

Electricity is a helpful asset we tend to rely upon, but it can also be a hazard. While sparking might be the byproduct of regular power changes, it can also be a sign of something more serious. If your outlets are coming into contact with water or are short-circuiting, you may be at risk for an electrical fire.

To keep your home safe, make sure only a trained professional works on your home’s electricity. Gulf Coast Electric is always here to help, so don’t hesitate to call today!

Why Hire A Commercial Electrician?

Commercial Electrical Needs

When it comes to electrical work, the distinction between residential and commercial needs is often blurred. Many assume that an electrician skilled in residential services can seamlessly transition to these business tasks.

However, the demands of a building are different and more complex than those of a home. This is where the expertise of a qualified electrician becomes crucial. Gulf Coast Electric, based in Destin, FL, emphasizes the importance of hiring a commercial electrician for your business needs.

The Complexity Of Commercial Electrical Systems

Commercial electrical systems are not just larger versions of residential systems. They are fundamentally different in design, capacity and complexity.

Understanding these differences is essential. The intricacies involved in this work demand a high level of expertise and precision. These are factors that only a trained commercial electrician can provide.

Specialized Knowledge And Equipment

Buildings typically have more complex electrical systems than residential properties. These systems require specialized knowledge and equipment that only a commercial electrician possesses. The wiring systems, circuitry and materials used in these buildings are different and more robust, designed to handle higher electricity loads.

Adherence To Codes And Standards

Commercial electricians are well-versed in the legal codes and standards that apply to these buildings. These regulations are often more demanding than those for residential properties.

Hiring these electricians ensures that all electrical work in your building is up to code. This prevents potential legal issues and ensures the safety of its occupants.

The Role Of A Commercial Electrician In Maintenance And Repairs

The role of this type of electrician extends beyond installations and repairs. They are pivotal in ensuring that buildings remain safe, functional and efficient. Regular maintenance and timely repairs can reduce the risk of electrical failures. They will also enhance the longevity of the system.

When it comes to electricity repair in a building, the stakes are high. Faulty work can lead to significant downtime, impacting business operations. A commercial electrician has the expertise to diagnose and repair complex issues swiftly. This capability reduces any disruption to your establishment.

Your Trusted Commercial Electrician In Destin, FL

Gulf Coast Electric has a team of skilled electricians who understand the unique needs of businesses in Destin, FL. Our professionals are equipped to handle a wide range of electrical services, from routine maintenance to complex installations and repairs. Here’s why you should choose Gulf Coast Electric for your business:

• Experienced Professionals — Our team comprises experienced commercial electricians familiar with the latest technologies and industry standards.

• Customized Solutions — We understand that every building is unique. Our electricians provide customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

• Safety and Compliance — We prioritize safety and ensure that all our work complies with local and national codes.

When you entrust our team with your establishment, you can expect these advantages during every single service.

The Importance Of Hiring A Commercial Electrician

The electrical needs of a building are distinct. Hiring the correct electrician is not just a matter of convenience. It’s also a necessity for the safety and compliance of your establishment!

Gulf Coast Electric in Destin, FL, strives to provide top-notch commercial electrical services. Whether it’s routine maintenance, repair or thorough installations, our team of expert electricians is here to ensure that your building’s electrical system is in the best hands. Contact us today to schedule your next service!

5 Home Electrical Components that Should be Upgraded

Electrical Upgrades That Boost Your Home’s Efficiency

When it comes to technology, there is always a new product model to replace the old one. However, an electrical upgrade for your home is one of the best long-term investments. Updating your appliances can make your life easier, safer and more specialized to your needs!

At Gulf Coast Electric, our team of Destin electricians provides residential electrical services that cater to your home. Read on to learn which of your devices you should upgrade for maximum efficiency!

1. Electrical Panels

While it may look like a simple box, your electrical panel connects the wiring inside your house to outdoor wires and provides electricity to your home. Though it often sits forgotten within your home, you may find yourself visiting your panel more as it ages.

Many older houses have fuse boxes or other outdated devices that weren’t built for the electricity required for modern life. When they are unable to handle the electricity load, these panels can damage your appliances or even start a fire.

Investing in a new appliance is a great way to make sure your house has the power you need without hazards. Buying a more efficient panel can brighten up your entire home!

2. Inefficient Outlets

The rise of modern technology has increased the need for more outlets in many households. Unfortunately, availability isn’t the only problem with older electrical receptacles. Worn-out outlets can stop working with time and may even cause a house fire. Some signs you need an upgrade include:

• Your plugs start to slip out.

• The wall covering is discolored.

• The covering is hot to the touch.

Investing in new outlets can solve a variety of problems. Four outlet systems allow you to power more devices at once, and some even have USB ports that can charge your phone when other devices are plugged in. A new model provides a power-up for each of your electronics!

3. Outdated Wiring

Another component that may need your attention is your house’s wiring. Old wiring is often made of aluminum, a metal that can easily compress and create a safety hazard. Even if you can’t see these wires, they can still generate power surges, electrical shocks and fires.

Luckily, new wires are made of copper, a much safer material. Switching to copper wiring will give your house the same conduction strength without the added worry!

4. Surge Protectors

With newer, faster electronics, your house requires more energy than ever. When you plug in a large appliance, your system may receive more power than it can handle. Power surges can fry any electronic that you have plugged in.

Surge protection systems moderate the amount of energy that each of your devices receives, ensuring that none of them get more than they can handle. Even if you have many different appliances, upgrading this singular electronic can make sure all of them are taken care of!

5. Light Switches

Light switches serve an obvious purpose: turning the lights off and on. However, newer models can do much more! Dimmer switches can regulate the amount of light each room receives, helping you create a unique ambiance. If you want to make your next get-together warm and cozy without touching the fireplace, investing in a dimmer is the way to go.

When you’ve lived in your house for years, it can be nerve-wracking to make big changes. By upgrading your appliances, you can keep your home just how you like it without compromising its electrical reliability.

Plug-In To Superior Service With Our Destin Electricians

Gulf Coast Electric can keep your home as bright as the Destin sun. Our top-rated residential electrical services ensure expert advice and quality results. Contact us today for an unforgettable home upgrade!

What Happens When You Overload A Circuit?

With many people working remotely, our electricity use at home has gone up, potentially straining our outlets. It’s essential to know the dangers of overloading an outlet and how to prevent or correct them. Gulf Coast Electric is the trusted electrical company in Destin that cares about your safety and satisfaction.

As we rely more on our home’s electrical systems, being aware of proper safety practices is paramount. Overloading an outlet can have severe consequences, including the risk of a house fire. To prevent these dangers, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of an overloaded circuit and take appropriate action.

Signs Of Overloading An Electrical Outlet

It’s crucial to practice electrical safety precautions in your home. Making sure to watch for signs of overloading can prevent hazardous accidents and keep your house safe!

Flickering Lights

If you notice your lights frequently flickering, dimming or blinking, this is a clear indicator that the outlet may be overloaded. Flickering lights can feel annoying, but they are also a warning sign that something is amiss with your system.

Breaker Malfunction

When multiple appliances in a specific area simultaneously lose power, your breaker may have tripped. You can reset it by turning it off and then on again. If this happens frequently, your circuit is likely overloaded. Breakers are designed to protect your system from overheating, but they can only handle a specific electrical load.

If your outlet appears damaged or deformed, it may indicate a more significant issue. In such cases, refrain from resetting the breaker and reach out to an expert for assistance.

Unusual Sounds

A quiet clicking or buzzing sound from your lights or appliances while in use can signal an overloaded circuit. If you hear these sounds, it’s a reminder to call a professional for an electrical inspection. Strange sounds are often an early warning sign of impending electricity issues.

Electric Shock

Feeling a slight shock when plugging something into an outlet is a significant sign of an overloaded circuit. You should never experience a shocking feeling when using an outlet. This is a serious safety hazard and should be addressed immediately.

Burning Odor

A faint burning odor emanating from an outlet is a warning sign of an overloaded circuit. If the smell persists after moving appliances or unplugging them, a professional electrician should assess the problem. A burning smell is a sign that something is overheating, and it’s essential to find the source quickly.

Prevent Overloads By Scheduling Electrical Services

To keep your home’s system safe and working properly, it’s important to hire professionals to prevent overloads. Electricians can inspect and discover hazards and offer solutions to safeguard your home. We can also upgrade electrical panels for modern appliances.

In Destin, Gulf Coast Electric is the most trusted electrical company. We offer many services to keep your home safe, including emergency repairs. This helps prevent risks from overloads. When you hire our professionals for your electricity needs, you can feel confident that your system is safe and efficient.

The Best Electrical Company In Destin

For electrical safety and overloaded circuits, Gulf Coast Electric in Destin is here to help. Our team of experts is here to handle your electricity problems, guarding your space from electricity hazards. Contact our professionals to keep your home safe and your system running well.

How To Protect Your Electronics During A Storm

When a storm comes rolling in, and the risk of thunder and lightning becomes apparent, it’s no surprise that many Destin homeowners feel wary. Even while the rain hits your windows and your home shelters you from the forces of nature, there’s always the risk of a power surge.

Every time it rains, there’s a slight chance that lightning could strike near your house, triggering a power outage. These are certainly annoying, but they can also mean bad news for anything electrical in your home. Gulf Coast Electric has all the answers for electric safety for Destin residents about how to stay safe during a lightning storm.

What Happens During A Power Surge?

A power surge refers to a sudden and brief increase in electrical voltage flowing through an electrical circuit or power line. This increase in voltage is usually for a short period, typically lasting only a fraction of a second, but it can be significantly higher than the normal voltage level that the circuit or device is designed to handle.

These surges can overload the power system in your home and trigger an outage. There is also the chance that anything electrical plugged in can be overloaded too and become fried in the process. Leaving them unable to turn out or properly function ever again.

How Can I Protect My Appliances?

There are a multitude of ways that homeowners can protect their appliances in the case of a storm. Here are three ways to keep your belongings safe during inclement weather

  • • Unplug devices — The most effective and straightforward method is to unplug your appliances and devices from electrical outlets. This prevents them from being exposed to power surges caused by lightning strikes or other electrical disturbances.
  • • Use surge protectors — Install surge protectors or surge suppressors on important appliances and electronic devices. These devices can divert excess electrical voltage away from your equipment, safeguarding them from damage during power surges.
  • • Whole-house surge protection — Consider investing in whole-house surge protection systems. These are installed at your electrical panel and offer comprehensive protection for all appliances and devices connected to your home’s electrical system, including those that are hardwired.

By following these guidelines, you are keeping your items out of harm’s way in case of a surge. These measures help ensure the safety and longevity of your valuable electrical equipment during storms and power fluctuations.

Comprehensive Surge Protection Services

To protect your devices and appliances while they remain plugged in, homeowners can always opt for purchasing and hooking up their devices to a power strip with a surge protector inside it. These can allow for multiple devices to be plugged in and protected from a power surge. While they will still go out during the power outage, the device will remain protected and not at any risk of being fried.

If you’re interested in investing in whole-home surge protection, turn to the team more Destin residents trust. Reach out to Gulf Coast Electric.

Gulf Coast Electric Is Here To Help Destin Residents

Storms can be a stressful and fear-inducing time for any homeowner. But there isn’t a thing to fear with Gulf Coast Electric here to help Destin residents with all their electrical repair needs.

Have you experienced an electrical outage or need electrical repairs in the area? Call us today and schedule services that get your home back to being brightly lit and operational.

How To Hide Cables And Ugly Wires At Home

Let’s be honest — cables and wires in our homes aren’t a good look. You can have a beautifully decorated living room, but cluttered cables stick out like a sore thumb. Gulf Coast Electric is here to help your home with these eyesores — read on to learn more.

Wire Safety Comes With Tidy Cables

A bunch of tangled wires and cables are not only hard to look at, but they can also be a hazard. This electrical clutter increases your risk of an electrical fire, electric shock and trip-and-falls.

Not only that, but if you have pets or small children, loose cords can be very dangerous to them if they put them in their mouths. To avoid any unsafe situations, follow along with our tips below.

Use Hooks To Hide And Organize Wires

Using hooks can help you not only hide wires, but also to keep them from tangling with each other. Again, tidiness and electrical safety often go hand in hand.

By placing hooks on the walls behind your furniture, you can redirect your cords cleanly along the walls and out of sight. You can also put hooks behind your TV, on the side of your end table or even under your desk.

Keeping your wires against the wall and cleanly hidden behind furniture prevents drawing attention to a big, cluttered mess. Not only does this make your space neater, it’s much safer, too.

Box Up Those Cords

If you don’t have enough space for hooks to carry the length of a wire, consider getting a decorative box. By storing your cords inside, they won’t be accessible to pets or children, keeping everybody safe. Not only that, but guests will never guess that a decorative box is hiding electronics!

Keep Your Chargers In A Drawer

If you dedicate a drawer solely to chargers, you will not only limit your mess, but you will never lose a charger again. This is an excellent way to stay organized, keep your household safe and keep the clutter to a minimum.

Hiding TV Cables

This step may require a bit more effort, and it works especially well with mounted TVs. Cord covers are your best friend when it comes to mounted screens. What you can do is measure from the base of the screen to the top of the baseboard, and find a cord cover for that length.

Once your cord is inside and the cover is mounted, you can even paint it the same color as your wall. While still visible, this will prevent visible clutter and cord exposure, creating a safer and more organized environment for you.

Electrical Safety With Gulf Coast Electric

Whether it’s your computer wires, your TV cords or just a big messy pile of chargers, Gulf Coast Electric is here to help you stay safe and organized. By reducing your electrical clutter, you are reducing a number of safety risks. If you have any questions or concerns about wire safety in your home, feel free to call us at Gulf Coast Electric — we’re happy to help!

Do I Need A Backup Generator?

Ever asked yourself whether you need a backup generator? For homeowners living near Florida’s Gulf Coast, they are the perfect way to equip your home for anything that may happen during hurricanes, tornadoes and even thunderstorms.

Helping Destin residents “Plug In To Superior Service” since 1980, our team at Gulf Coast Electric knows that it’s always a great idea to have a backup generator installed on your property in case you lose power. If you’re still debating on getting one, or weighing your options to see if it’s worth it, here are a few benefits of investing in your very own power unit.

Comfort and Safety

Living by the Gulf Coast and surrounding areas can be very risky as you can never be too sure when a strong storm will develop on the horizon. It’s always great to be prepared before disaster strikes. Having a backup generator ready to go ensures that you and your family won’t be left in the dark during the next storm!

Quick Electrical Power, 24/7

As soon as the lights go out, whether it’s due to a thunderstorm or some sort of blackout, most people’s first instinct is to panic.

With a backup generator by your side, you won’t even get the chance to have “panic” cross your mind. As soon as your unit realizes your home’s power has been shut off the generator automatically powers on! Who wouldn’t want something as efficient as that?

Food Safety

Another big green flag when it comes to backup generators is that they ensure no food goes to waste. How? Well, once the power goes out in your house, everything powered by electricity is affected — this also includes the fridge.

It would be a shame to see so much food go to waste when the power shuts down. Although we rarely know when electricity will turn back on during an outage, which could last minutes or even days, you wouldn’t need to worry with a backup generator on hand to keep your refrigerator running in no time.

How Are Generators Powered?

With these generators, a common question people ask is about what fuels they use. For the most part, they are powered by two fuel types.

Natural Gas And Propane

Choosing which fuel you prefer your unit to use is up to you. Most people choose systems powered by natural gas and propane as they are safer. It is not only colorless, but it’s also non-toxic and has a distinctive smell added to it for easy detection.

If for some reason you suspect natural gas is seeping into your home, you can easily notice it and should schedule an appointment to have the leak inspected ASAP.

Gasoline And Diesel

Generators powered by gasoline and diesel are also great options, but they do have some downsides. Since they’re powered with gasoline, you would need a separate fuel tank installed as well. And while gas prices can be unpredictable, when their demand skyrockets, it can be difficult for you to acquire.

Award-Winning Destin Electrical Services

Gulf Coast Electric may be located closer to Destin, but our Destin electricians are more than happy to help those in the surrounding areas as well. If you want to know if you’re included in our service areas, don’t hesitate to give us a call today! Schedule an appointment and experience our award-winning electrical services firsthand.

6 Ways To Lower Your Electricity Bill

With the rise of work-from-home opportunities, many people are spending more time in their houses. However, that means more people are experiencing a drastic increase in their monthly electricity bills. These expenses add up fast and can be a hassle to combat. Thankfully, there are a few simple methods you can pick up to lower these costs!

As a local business, Gulf Coast Electric prioritizes the needs of our fellow Destin homeowners. Our team of electricians is committed to excellence and strives to provide stellar service. Read ahead to learn how you can lower your monthly electric bill and save on future utility costs.

Unplug “Vampire” Appliances

Vampire appliances don’t have fangs or a garlic intolerance. Instead, these devices suck energy even when they’re not in use. Vampire energy can account for 5-10% of your total electrical use. A few vampire appliances you can unplug are: 

  • – Phone chargers
  • – Televisions
  • – Coffee makers
  • – Electric toothbrushes
  • – Video game consoles
  • – Cable boxes
  • – Printers and fax machines

Individually unplugging these devices can be a hassle. Fortunately, a power strip can make the task much easier for you. You can plug nearby appliances into the strip to prevent a power drain. This method is an easy way of reducing your utility bills.

Replace Your Air Filters

Your air conditioner uses filters to capture airborne pollutants. The device keeps your unit operating effectively and should be replaced every three months.

Air filters can become clogged with dust and other debris over time. The buildup can prevent your system from running effectively, using more electricity to keep your space at a constant temperature.

Install A Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is an efficient way of controlling your residential energy use. With this technology, you can schedule when your air conditioner operates using your phone or tablet. These thermostats are effective at conserving electricity and can change the temperature even when you aren’t home.

Seal Air Leaks

Sealing your windows and doors will prevent air from escaping your home through gaps in the frames. Your ductwork also requires routine inspections to check for leaking ducts.

Air leaks can make your home feel warmer, causing your air conditioner to overwork itself. When your cooling system works for a longer timeframe, your electricity costs will rise significantly.

Wash Your Clothes With Cold Water

Laundry day is a prime opportunity for electricity conservation! Unless a specific fabric requires warm water, you can wash your clothes in cold water.

Your washing machine won’t need high amounts of electricity to heat up, reducing electricity costs. Cool water is equally effective at removing stains and dirt from your clothing when compared to warm or hot water.

Only Run Appliances When They’re Full

It can be tempting to knock out a small load of laundry or run a half-full dishwasher. Most appliances use the same amount of energy, regardless of how full they are. You can prevent high electricity use by only operating these devices when filled.

Contact Us For High-Quality Destin Electrical Services

When you’re in need of a 24/7 electrician, look no further than Gulf Coast Electric! Our team prioritizes your safety and satisfaction. With our reliable services, you can trust your Destin electrical system is in good hands. Contact us today to schedule your next service!