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Outdoor Lighting Do’s and Don’ts

Outdoor lighting serves many purposes and provides an abundance of benefits. A well-lit home will enhance your home’s curb appeal by highlighting its architectural and landscape features at night. Lights around your property will also improve your security by alerting intruders that someone is home – even if you’re not. However, electrical safety is a huge factor when working with lighting outdoors. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to watch out for when placing your lights outside. 

Don’t Overload An Outlet

An overloaded outlet can lead to a power outage or, even worse, an electrical fire. Electrical circuits can only handle so much electricity. If one too many plugs are plugged into an outlet, it could cause a lot of damage. Make sure to map out your electrical circuits, and move around the lighting plugs as needed to a less loaded receptacle.

Do Use LED Lights

LED lights are an environmentally sustainable option to light up your yard because they use at least 75% less energy than the traditional, incandescent bulb. As an industry-standard, LED lights last 25 times longer and are safer than the alternative. LEDs also come in a variety of colors. 

Don’t Cover Your Wires in Mulch

Landscape lighting requires wires to illuminate your whole yard. While wires may be unsightly, it’s best not to cover them in mulch due to the risk of becoming exposed over time – and even getting caught up in your lawnmower. Always bury your wires underground to keep them safe from impairment.

Do Cover Your Outlets

Due to the outdoor elements, you must cover all of your outside outlets and their containers to prevent them from getting wet. If your outlet comes in contact with water, it could cause electrical issues or a dangerous electric shock. 

Don’t Use Indoor Lighting Outside

It’s crucial to never use indoor lighting outdoors. Indoor lighting is not as equipped to handle rain and other outdoor elements. Outdoor lights require a protective seal against moisture, which is something indoor lights do not have. As soon as they get wet, they’ll stop working.

Do Contact A Professional

Hiring a professional will guarantee a safe and well-done electrical installation. These experts can also help you plan a layout of your outdoor lighting and make sure everything is up to standard. Our fully licensed professionals at Gulf Coast Electric in Destin are here to help you light up your space with ease. Contact us today to learn more!