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Troubleshooting Electricity Tips For The Holidays

If you want to avoid a disaster over the holidays, making sure your home services are pristine is a must. Whether it’s pipes freezing over or an electrical shortage, interruptions to holiday celebrations are unwelcome! Many families fall into the trap of letting their electrical services waste during the year, and problems always seem to come up at the most inopportune times. 

At Gulf Coast Electric in Destin, Florida, we want to ensure your house runs as smoothly as possible. Before you invite all of your family and friends over, there is a lot you can do to make sure that your electrical appliances are in tip-top shape! Read on to learn more about the services we recommend.

Check Your Electrical Wiring

Electrical wiring that hasn’t been maintained often has a lot of dangers that it comes with. It can result in issues such as electrical surges, fires and inefficient performance. All these take a massive toll on your wallet and home safety. Checking your wiring can avoid long-term damage from frays and other problems.

To check your wires, you should look for the basics of electrical problems. This includes:

  1. Discolored sockets
  2. Chew marks on wires
  3. Flickering lights
  4. Burning smells
  5. Loud buzzing noises
  6. Shocking
  7. Loose outlets 

All of these indicate that you’re about to experience electrical troubles. Making sure to address these with outlet covers, surge protectors and professional intervention can save you a lot of trouble. Remember to check your wiring at least one or two times per year. 

Look Into Protection

If you’re worried that the problems with your electricity are already prone to happen, try to focus more on protection and prevention. For example, The National Fire Protection Association says that faulty or damaged wiring causes 69% of electrical fires, so it’s important for you to invest in wire protection. The same can be said for outlet and surge protectors, which many homeowners can install themselves. 

Another good option for protection is to look into the different types of insurance available for electrical systems. Checking your homeowner’s policy to make sure you have coverage for power outages or electrical problems is a must. Coverage over your electrical system ensures you won’t get caught in a financial bind later!

Invest In A Professional Electrician

Another great way to avoid any electrical mishap during the holidays is to invest in professional electrical services. Plenty of electricians will provide maintenance checks for your system throughout the year, and you can knock out very big problems early on by doing so. 

During electrical tune-ups, a technician will inspect your breaker. This is to make sure that all of your currents are at safe levels. If a current is off, the technician will look for the area it has shorted, and offer you a solution for fixing and preventing it. If you’re in an area where storms and blizzards are common, this is one of the best options for you. The electrician will know what is best for local regulations and which surge protector is the most efficient in managing your currents. 

Call Today For An Electrical Inspection!

You don’t want to be left in the dark whenever you have family over for the holidays. Making sure that you put proper care and protection into your electrical systems will make outages much less common and lower energy prices! Here at Gulf Coast Electric, we emphasize accessible prices and excellent quality. Call today for a top-notch evaluation!

Why To Include Outlet Placement In Interior Design

In the age of technological advancement, the number of devices and appliances used in the average home is rising — and so is the need for electrical outlets to power them! It’s easy to overlook something as seemingly insignificant as outlet placement, but it can make a big difference in the overall function of your home activities.

Proper placement of electrical sockets can make using your gadgets more convenient and improve your home’s aesthetic by eliminating the crowded look of extension cords. What are the most accessible locations for outlets? Gulf Coast Electric is here to share these placement tips with homeowners to ensure an optimal home experience!

Areas For Outlet Installation

When deciding where to install electrical outlets in your home, we recommend working with a professional electrician to make sure placement is in compliance with electrical code requirements.

Our certified technicians are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to certify all installations meet safety standards and your satisfaction. Read on to learn more about the ideal areas for socket placing and their electrical code safety guidelines.

Living Room

Your living room is the heart of your home. It’s where you and your whole family go to convene, play, watch tv and relax — not trip over messy extension cords! It’s important that you have enough outlets to accommodate the various entertainment systems your family room may have to avoid safety hazards.

According to the updated 2023 National Electrical Code, outlets must be placed every 6 feet along any intended living space floor for optimal functionality. You should install living room outlets in the following areas:

  • · Along every wall
  • · Up high on the main wall for mounted TV
  • · On the floor for lamps and charging stations
  • · Near the fireplace mantle, if you have one, for holiday decor


If the living room is the heart of the home, the kitchen is the stomach. It can take multiple kitchen appliances to feed all the hungry bellies in your family, so having enough outlets is essential to cooking with ease.

The National Electrical Code also requires that any electrical outlets installed in your kitchen, as well as bathrooms and garages, be GFCIs. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters are safety devices that prevent electrocution by tripping the electrical circuits when they detect ground faults or leakage currents.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that GFCIs have saved thousands of lives and helped cut the number of home electrocutions in half. In addition, you shouldn’t place GFCI outlets more than 20 inches above a countertop as a safety precaution. The following areas are safe for installation:

  • · Every two feet along each counter
  • · Along the kitchen backsplash
  • · On the kitchen island, if you have one
  • · Inside the pantry and select cabinets for small appliances
  • · Underneath bar tops


When arranging outlet locations in bedrooms, it’s important to consider how many people sleep in the room. For example, bedrooms that couples or siblings share will require more sockets than a one-person bedroom.

To increase the functionality of a bedroom, you may also want to think about installing switched outlets. A switched, or half-hot outlet, has two inputs. The top input is permanently “on” while the bottom half can be turned “on” or “off” via wall switch.

For example, if you have a lamp plugged in the bottom input of a switched outlet, you can turn it on/off by flipping the wall switch. Instances like these can prove very useful in a bedroom setting.

Optimal places for bedroom outlets include:

  • · On every wall
  • · Up high on the main wall for mounted TV
  • · On each side of the bed, for bedside table devices
  • · Inside the closet for irons, clothing steamers, etc.


Understanding the best outlet locations in your bathroom is important, but knowing where not to install them is even more vital to the safety of you and your loved ones. You should keep sockets at least 6 feet away from bathtubs and showers and at least one foot away from sinks to avoid getting any cords wet.

For safety concerns and convenience, you should stick to these areas for outlet placement:

  • · On each side of the sink, to prevent cords from crossing over
  • · Inside drawers and cabinets for hair tools, electric razors, etc.
  • · Inside medicine cabinets for electric toothbrushes

Contact Our Destin Electricians

As a locally owned and operated company, Gulf Coast Electric takes pride in serving our community. If you’re looking to add electrical outlets to your home, our team is here to offer expert counsel and professional installations. We are dedicated to meeting safety standards and all your family’s comfort needs.

Give us a call today and plug into superior service!

What Causes A Home Power Outage?

Like so many of our home appliances, we tend to take electricity for granted. When we turn on our lights, we expect the bulb to flicker on. When our phones run low, we expect the outlet to serve as a charging station. Almost everything in a modern house relies heavily on electricity, so when the power suddenly goes out, it feels like your life has been turned on its head. Luckily, Gulf Coast Electric is here to answer your questions and provide the services you need.

What Is A Power Outage?

A power outage occurs when the electricity goes out unexpectedly, disrupting your home and possibly the greater community you reside in. Electrical power is temporarily lost and is unable to reach the user. Depending on the scale, they can affect everywhere — from a neighborhood to an entire city.

Electrical Outage Causes


For the most part, nature is lovely, but sometimes it can be destructive. Power lines and poles are highly vulnerable to the weather. Strong winds can knock over poles and tear through power lines. Extreme temperatures, lightning and natural disasters all cause electrical failure.


Overloads occur when there is a high power demand. Electric cables, transformers, and other electrical equipment can become overburdened and cause an outage. On a smaller scale, overload may occur with your electrical circuits.


Animals are naturally curious creatures and sometimes find themselves attracted to power outlets because of the warmth they radiate or the humming of electrical outlets. Unfortunately, if they chew through a cord or burrow themselves in a transformer, the damage to themselves and the surrounding area is often disastrous.

Different Types of Outages

There are various types of power outages that occur, which are all caused and fixed in different ways, as seen below.


A blackout is a loss of total power in an area, typically affecting all of the people in that entire area. Blackouts usually occur after severe weather causes significant structural damage to electrical facilities.

Depending on the damage and how quickly it can be repaired, a blackout can last anywhere from a couple of hours to several weeks.

Rolling Blackout

Rolling blackouts are planned power outages. Utility companies may use rolling blackouts when the power demand becomes so high that the equipment used to supply this is put at risk for damage. By cutting power off to one area and then another part every couple of hours, the power company can protect against an overload happening.


Brownouts are periods of reduced power which never lose power completely. This is a drop in voltage in an electrical power supply system.

Brownouts may be intentional or unintentional — if a utility company is at maximum demand, they may intentionally lower the voltage in certain areas, resulting in a brownout. Other times, brownouts may occur because the need is already maxed, resulting in a voltage drop.

Permanent Fault

Permanent faults are typically caused by a fault in a power line. Out of all the types listed, these are the easiest to fix. Once the part of the faulty power line is repaired, power is restored and does not tend to affect a large area.

Tips For Electrical Failure

  • · If anticipating a power outage due to severe weather or other causes, fully charge all devices.
  • · Keep your freezer and refrigerator closed.
  • · Routinely check that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors work.
  • · Have an emergency kit.
  • · If possible, use flashlights instead of candles since candles may risk starting a fire.
  • · Consider purchasing a backup generator.
  • · Contact your local station in case of an emergency.

Electrical Maintenance And Repair

Whether you’re looking for residential or commercial services, Gulf Coast Electric has the seasoned professionals you need. Contact us today for more information about what we offer!

How to Choose An Electrician

Have power outages forced you to begin looking for a professional Gulf Coast electrician? Never fear! Gulf Coast Electric is here to help! Finding trustworthy tradesmen can be difficult when there are so many options to choose from. Yet at our business, we promise quality work at affordable prices no matter what kind of inspections or repairs you need.

Everyone on staff at Gulf Coast Electric is friendly and experienced in providing clients with top-notch assistance. Our household electrical advice is well-respected, and we’re always happy to get you “Plugged into Superior Service.” Read on to know what to look for in your next professional electrician, or chat with one of our welcoming staff members at any time! 

Compare Risks and Costs 

When searching for a reliable electrician, you should always make sure the business you are looking to hire has dependable licenses, respectable insurance coverage, and fair pricing. Keeping these three things in mind is sure to help you and your family find the best person for the job without risking extra strain on your bank account.  


One of the most important factors when looking to hire an electrician is licensing. A license proves that the person you are about to employ has put in the work to become certified in a skill and accomplish it safely and correctly. It is always a good idea to check an electrician’s license and ensure that there are no restrictions preventing them from completing the job you need.


Secure insurance is also essential when it comes to hiring an electrician. Researching a prospective business’s policies and liability plans can protect you and your family from accidents down the road. Make sure your electrician’s insurance coverage has not expired and that it covers risks of damage to your property. 


Affordable service is always the goal for homeowners- but searching for the cheapest option might not work out in the long run. When it comes to hiring an electrician, you should strive to make your goals as straightforward as possible. Getting several quotes on the repairs or services you need gives you extra leverage when comparing the prices of different businesses. 

Look for Stellar Qualifications and Recommendations

One thing to remember when researching electricians is that the more qualifications and accreditations they have- the better! It is always a good sign if the person you are looking to hire is certified in many different areas of the electrical field. 

When it comes to qualifications, experience with energy efficiency is always useful. Electricians with a background in conserving energy may know of advanced tech that can help you and your family save lots of money.

Another way to find a reliable electrician is by asking your friends! If people in your social circle are openly positive about a business’s services, this may be a sign that you’ve found the right place for you. 

Pay Attention to First Impressions 

Even though analyzing first impressions may seem silly, being aware of how an electrician presents themself can offer you valuable insight into the quality of their work. Some important characteristics to pay attention to are: 

  • Attitude 
  • Communication skills
  • Professional appearance
  • Time efficiency 
  • Honesty

Contact Us at Gulf Coast Electric Today! 

At Gulf Coast Electric, you never have to worry about the quality of our services. Our high standards are evident in all of our residential electricians and commercial electricians. Contact us through our website to make an appointment, or give us a call today! 

How Do Circuit Boards Work?

If you have been having issues with your circuit boards or are curious about their interworkings, then we are here to help. Here at Gulf Coast Electric, we will provide you with information to better inform you about your circuit boards!

What Is A Circuit Board?

Printed circuit boards are the standard version of this tangible technology which is a crucial component of all electronic devices. Typically constructed of fiberglass, they increase efficiency by downsizing and replacing large wiring.

This compact technology allows for electricity to pass through it and connect every electrical component in whatever device it is in. Think of it as the star player on your team. All success runs through your circuit board!

Common Causes Of Circuit Board Failure

Your Circuit Board Is Old

Unfortunately, father time is undefeated. Despite how convenient and efficient a circuit board is, do not think they are immune to old age! Your circuit board will inevitably wear down eventually.

However, you should not worry because this issue can be solved by replacing components of the board with newer ones.

Interior Components Are Poorly Constructed

Getting it right the first time in many instances in life can save you a lot of time and frustration. Although, this is not always practiced. Your circuit board could be wrong from the start by consisting of faulty materials!

If this is the case, you could be struggling with defective components or integral parts of your circuit board easily breaking down. Also, if your circuit board was created using counterfeit materials then you may also experience issues.

Environmental Influence

If your circuit boards are brand new and properly constructed, you may still be scratching your head as to what is the root of your circuit board problems. If your home has experienced power outages or your devices have been exposed to extreme weather, then this cause may be affecting you. The weather can have an impact on the condition of your circuit board.

When severe weather rolls in and you experience power outages, this can be harmful to your circuit board. Excessive heat can increase the risk of failure as well. Dust and debris collected over time can prevent your circuit board from operating properly.

Short Circuit

We all must eat to live and some of us live to eat. However, it is always best to pace yourself no matter how hungry you are or how good the food is. Well, sometimes your circuit board can receive too much of a good thing all at once and it can be extremely dangerous.

When circuit boards have too much power running through them, they can severely malfunction. This is called a short circuit and it can cause considerable damage to your circuit board! This is an issue that should be dealt with immediately with professional help — that is where we come in.

Contact Gulf Coast Electric For Professional Electrical Repair!

If you need a circuit board repair, then give us a call today! Headquartered in Destin, Florida, we are committed to providing affordable and safe services for your utilities. So, if you are looking for a gulf coast electrician then give us a call today!

Do You Need An Electrician To Replace Your Light Fixtures?

Some homeowners jump at the chance to renovate and replace items; others are filled with dread at the thought. Many people will take their needs and turn them into a DIY project no matter which side they land on. Painting a room or replacing shower tiles yourself can be a great personal project. However, some things just can’t be DIY’d. The Gulf Coast Electrical team is here to tell you that installing new light fixtures in your Florida home is one of those things.

It is our job to make replacing electrical items in your home, like light fixtures, look effortless, but the reality is that electrical needs in your home will always range in complexity. Without an expert eye, it is easy for things to go south very quickly. Electrical malfunctions can be the leading cause of electrical fires. And electrical fires will turn what could have been an otherwise affordable job into an expensive disaster.

That’s why you should hire an expert electrician to get the job done. Read below to find out why hiring an expert is worth it.

Your Safety Matters

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, electrical malfunctions account for almost 7% of electrical fires. Homeowners can do many things to avoid this, like replacing aged appliances, but taking on a professional electrician to take care of all your wiring needs is a preventive measure.

It’s Not As Simple As It Looks

Wiring in your home is already a complex matter. Installing new light fixtures can become even more complicated when you find yourself needing to add new wires to your already existing connections. Many people don’t expect to deal with different types of cables, switch boxes or rewiring. So, it is always better when left in the hands of a pro.

You May Run Into More Issues

You could start out thinking you are only changing a light fixture and quickly realize more work needs to be done. Navigating damaged wires or even getting to the end of your project and realizing the lights still flicker may leave you frustrated. Experts have an easier time identifying what issues are present and have the equipment to deliver a solution. Save yourself time by finding a professional that is equipped with all you need to get the job done.

Light fixtures may not be the only thing you need an electrician for. Here are some common needs that an electrician can help you with:

  • Replacing wiring
  • Repairing circuit breakers
  • Installing outdoor lighting
  • Installing new outlets

Find An Expert

Unless you have extensive electrical experience, you should always hire a professional to meet your needs. It doesn’t matter whether your fixtures are being reinstalled in the same spot or you want them rewired to somewhere new. This job is better off in the hands of an expert.

Gulf Coast Electric is here to serve all of your electrical needs. Contact us to see what we can do for your Destin home!

Which Electrical Wire is Hot?

Reliable electricity is a vital part of any modern home. The wiring in your home ranges from easily understood to extremely complicated. As a homeowner, you need to understand the very basics of electrical wiring. If you’re looking for information about the electrical wiring in your home but aren’t sure where to begin, look no further. Gulf Coast Electric has created this guide for Destin homeowners to help you better understand the three basic components of your home’s electrical system.

Safety first! 

Always turn off the power to whatever outlet you plan to work on. Using a small piece of tape, cover the breaker switch so it does not get turned on accidentally while you’re working. Make sure there is no power by using a voltage tester. Serious risks are involved when working on electrical systems, including electrocution and electrical fires. Proceed with caution and use the right tools. We at Gulf Coast Electric advise you to hire a professional electrician when you want to get your projects done safely.

What are all these wires?

The black wire is the hot electrical wire. Electricity is carried through this wire from the breaker box (also known as the load center) to the outlet or switch. The white wire is the neutral wire. This sends unused electricity from the outlet or switch back to the breaker panel. The green wire (sometimes it is bare copper) is the ground wire. Electricity travels through this wire back to the breaker and then outside. There it travels through a rod that is buried in the ground and is displaced. This stops the electricity from running through you! Sometimes a fourth wire is required in three-conductor wiring. This applies to three-way light switches. In that case, there is another hot wire, usually colored red. Wires must be joined together with their corresponding colors to create a circuit. If they are not joined correctly, an electrical short will occur.

Electrical Wiring Tips

  • Water is a great conductor of electricity. Avoid wet floors, keep your hands dry and keep electrical equipment away from tubs, showers and sinks.
  • Always turn off power at the load center. Mark the main switch with tape for a visual reminder.
  • Check for residual electricity with a tester. The equipment is not too costly and testing only takes a few seconds.
  • Wear rubber soled shoes and insulated rubber gloves. This is especially important when working in a damp area like a laundry room or bathroom.
  • Wear goggles to protect your eyes. This applies whenever you are using power tools.   
  • Use tools with rubber grips to minimize your risk of shock.
  • Never use equipment with damaged cords or frayed wiring.
  • Opt for nonmetallic ladders, such as wood or fiberglass. 
  • Check with your local electrical-codes department for compliance requirements.

Contact a licensed electrician for speciality wiring and any other electrical services to ensure your home’s electrical system is running properly and safely. Looking for a trusted electrician in Destin? Contact Gulf Coast Electric today!